Friday 24 April 2015

Maths Week

The week beginning the 4th May is maths week so here are some things to be thinking about before you come back to school.

Image result for maths

* Does the person with the longest finger also have the longest toe/shortest finger shortest toe?

* The length of your elbow to your wrist is the same as the length of your foot. Is this always, sometimes or never true?

*Three times round your wrist is the same as once round your neck. Is this always, sometimes or never true? (Please be careful when measuring around your neck!)

PS...You will need a tape measure for these.
Could you bring it to school during maths week please?

Here are some of the things we have been doing during
 Maths Week...

Maria did a very good job of presenting her science results in a bar chart.

Guadalupe completed the 'Number Names' Challenge.

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